After talking about Steven Jobs in my previous post i thought that i would discuss what i thought made a good manager and leader. Also I wanted to look at whether a good manager showing leadership does lead to an innovative team to work with. Good management and leadership is a major role within a company as a manager has the ability to limit the creativity of their workforce. They could have the attitude that they are the boss and only they can determine the direction of the company. According to the work of Goffee & Jones (2006) leadership is one of the most vital and yet elusive ingredients in modern business. Leaders provide vision, direction, inspiration, give the company a sense of purpose and at the same time act as a moral compass (cited in Mullins: 394).
Nicholson (2006: 10) states that what sets great leaders apart is their ability to engage those around them in a shared vision of the future. By making the right decisions, they demonstrate their commitment to turning that vision into reality!!
Examples of this type of leadership is shown by Steven Jobs in Apple and by Larry Page in Google, their approaches to innovation show they are interested in the creative abilities of their workers and their trust in them developing a product which will take the market by storm. The ability to manage and direct your workers onto the right path is just the beginning when discussing innovation, you firstly need the idea!!
The difference between managers and leaders is definitely important when looking into the success of a company. A leader would have a more active role within the development stages of a product and would interact with the workers to ensure the perfect product is developed to their satisfaction. Zaleznik (1977: 67) explains how managers tend to adopt impersonal or passive attitudes towards goals whereas leaders adopt a more personal role and active attitude towards goals.
Mullins. L. J, 2010, Management & Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall, P.394
Mullins. L. J, 2010, Management & Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall, P.394
Nicholson. B, 2006, In My Opinion – Management Today, P.10
Zaleznik. A, 1977, Managers and Leaders – Are They Different, Harvard Business Review, P.67